Federacja na Rzecz Reintegracji spo�ecznej FEDERATION FOR SOCIAL RE-INTEGRATION

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Europejski Fundusz Spo�eczny
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Fundusz dla Organizacji Pozarz�dowych
Kapita� Ludzki Unia Europejska Europejski Fundusz Spo�eczny Wojewoda Mazowiecki PO FIO Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Spo�ecznej

19a Morcinka Street, 40-124 Katowice
phone (32) 782 60 82
e-mail: fundacja_gniazdo@poczta.onet.pl

  Foundation "Gniazdo" for People Needing Help was established in 1992 and since the beginning the Foundation realises "The Program of Helping Children and the Youth". The Program is used to help young people who live in Katowice and whose families are endangered by crime and addictions.

    The Foundation realises the following aims:
  • Carrying on the psycho-preventive programs and centres for children and the youth from pathological families;
  • Conducting the social work with people needing help and with their families;
  • Supporting the activities of non-governmental organisations, whose aim is social service, that is: the possibility of consulting the specialist; advice, training courses and carrying on the scientific and research work.
    The Foundation conducts the following programs:
  • Socio-therapeutic Club (for children from 7 - 13 year-old)
    Realising the specific, individual and group therapeutic programs, working with the families, supporting the development of the individuals, teaching the social skills and self-service, help in study, organising free-time activities, organising courses that equalise the social chances, organising summer and winter trips, nourishment and material help.
  • The Youth Club (for people from 14 - 19)
    Program is carried on for the youth endangered by demoralisation, crime and addictions. The aim of the program is helping people to solve problems and making the beginning of their adult life easier. The classes help them to function in a constructive way and become socially and financially independent. The program also helps the young people to find a job.
  • Family Intervention Team - FIT; (polish abbreviation - ZIR)
    This consulting centre supports the activities of the clubs through the work with the parents of the young people. Within the confines of the consulting centre activity the consultations, crisis interventions as well as individual, group and family therapies take place.
  • Re-adoptive Flats
    This is the final stage of "The Program of Helping Children and the Youth" that helps the young people to start an individual life. It is a training of the task and social skills, preparing young people to undertake professional work and start a family.
  • Silesian School of Trainers
    The institution trains the social service workers for leading psychosocial workshops and psychological training courses. The school carries out training courses at three levels adjust to the requirements put to trainers recommended by the Polish Psychological Society (PTP). It is a school that has the status of non-public school of in-service training for teachers. All teachers of the school have trainer or supervisor recommendations of Polish Psychological Society. The stuff of the Foundation consults and trains the stuff of the orphanages and socio-therapeutic and community clubs.
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