Federacja na Rzecz Reintegracji spo�ecznej FEDERATION FOR SOCIAL RE-INTEGRATION

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Europejski Fundusz Spo�eczny
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Unia Europejska
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Fundusz dla Organizacji Pozarz�dowych
Kapita� Ludzki Unia Europejska Europejski Fundusz Spo�eczny Wojewoda Mazowiecki PO FIO Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Spo�ecznej

41 Pilsudskiego Street, 05 - 270 Marki
phone/fax. (0-22) 761 90 91
e-mail: toszansa@polbox.com, oik_szansa@poczta.onet.pl

  The "Chance" Society for Developing Children's Activities was established in 1990 and associates people, who run care, educational and social activity on behalf of children and youth especially those from marginalised communities.

    Association's goals according to the statutes:
    Creating adequate conditions for development of children and youth from communities threatened with demoralisation by iniciating and supporting programs in the range of upbringing, care and social work through:
  • Organising and carrying out care and upbringing centers,
  • Promoting upbringing initiatives which contribute to correct development of children and youth, through stimulation and development of existing centres and upbringing communities,
  • Supporting activities which concern developing life aspirations, promoting creative activity of children and youth,
  • Organising the exchange of experience among workers of different care centres,
  • Helping the charges of care centres in process of becoming self-reliant in social and professional life,
  • Popularising knowledge concerning care of children,
  • Inspiring research in the range of care and upbringing.
    The Association runs the following programs:
  • The program "Centres of Child and Family Aid" - from the area of community prevention (care, upbringing, therapy) is devoted to needs of children, youth and families from communities, which are marginalised, poor, inefficient in upbringing and educational process, threatened with social non-adjustment.
  • Organising summer and winter actions for our charges from all programs run by the "Chance" Association. Every year children and youth go on summer and winter camps. We also organise the action called "Summer In The City And In The Country" in our centres.
  • The program "Training Courses Centre - In-Service Teacher Training Centre - Chance". Within the confines of this program we carry on training courses in the crucial areas of work of social welfare workers' - especially social care and prevention, crisis intervention, specialist family counselling. Training courses are devoted to social workers, probation officers, teachers, educators and psychologists.
  • Training program "Foster Family Care - FAMILY" - gaining, preparing and supporting professional foster families.

Main Board - Marki
  It carries on In-Service Teacher Training Centre and also 2 Centres of Child and Family Aid (polish abbreviation OPDiR) for neglected children and their families. (OPDiR in Wejsunach near Ruciany, administrative district /powiat/ Pisz, OPDiR in Udziejku, administrative district /powiat/ Suwalki ).

Local Branch in Bardo
4 Wolnosci Sq., 57 - 256 Bardo,

  Branch in Bardo carries out Centre of Child and Family Aid for marginalised communities.

Kampinoski Local Branch
Miszory, 05 - 088 Brochów, phone / fax (0-22) 785 65 45
  This branch carries out 2 Centres for Child and Family Aid for marginalised communities and the Centre of Ecological Education.

Mazovian Local Branch
41 Pilsudskiego Street, 05 - 270 Marki, phone / fax (0-22) 761 9091,

  Branch in Marki carries out the Crisis Intervention Centre and 6 Centres for Child and Family Aid for marginalised communities.

Local Branch - Warsaw Ochota
13 Korotynskiego Street, 02 - 121 Warsaw, phone / fax (0-22) 824 37 02
  Branch in Warsaw runs the Sociotherapy Centre for Youth.

Local Branch in Lódz
17 Piotrkowska Street, 90 - 406 Lódz, phone / fax (0-42) 634 01 18
  Branch in Lódz carries out the Foster Family Care Centre and also 2 Centres for Child and Family Aid for marginalised communities.

Local Branch in Opoczno
2 Westerplatte Street, 26 - 300 Opoczno, contact phone (0-44) 754 38 96
  Branch in Opoczno carries out the Foster Family Care Centre and Centre for Child and Family Aid for marginalised communities.

Silesian Local Branch
17 Chrzanowskiego Street, 41 - 902 Bytom, phone / fax (0-32) 281 16 00
  Branch in Slask runs 2 Foster Family Care Centres and 2 Centres of Child and Family Aid for marginalised communities.

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