46 Plebiscytowa Street, 40-041 Katowice
phone (0-32) 251 21 16, fax (0-32) 251 05 62
e-mail: tow-res@pow-katowice.org
The Society For Re-Socialisation was established in 1998 by workers of orphanages, reformatories, educational centres, addictions treatment centres, day-care centres, socio-therapeutic common rooms, probation officers centres, consultation centres, adoption centres as well as other community psycho-prevention programs.
Society's goals according to the statutes:
- Care of professional and ethical standards of the circle of people who work in the range of social prevention, upbringing and re-socialisation,
- Training and improving professional skills of people who work in above mentioned area,
- Implementation and supporting re-socialisation, education and preventive programs,
- Integration of the professional circle.
The Society deals with formulating and popularising professional standards and integration of the professional circle. It is a forum of discussions and experience exchanging for people who deal with re-socialisation, addiction therapy, corrective upbringing, psycho-prevention, psychological and social aid. Since 1998 the Society for Re-Socialisation together with the Society for Psycho-Prevention has organised 11 conferences devoted to professional standards, implementation of these standards, reform of system of care, prevention and re-socialisation as well as training standards, co-operation of professional circle with the local government, standards of addiction treatment and foster family care:
- "The diagnosis of preventive - re-socialisation system"
Sródborów, April 24-26, 1998 (89 participants)
- "The assumptions of the reform of the care and re-socialization system"
Sródborów, November, 20-22, 1998 (77 participants)
"The standards and the models of work in prevention, theraphy
and re-socialization"
Celestynów, April 23-25, 1999 (73 participants)
- "The staff and professional training in helping people"
Sródborów, October 15-17, 1999 (80 participants)
- "The dissemination of innovative methods of work in care and re-socialization"
Sródborów, May 12-14, 2000 (95 participants)
- "The community prevention and local governments"
Sródborów, November 3-5, 2000 (90 participants)
"The professional circle and a local government - the
perspectives of co-operation"
Bialobrzegi, April 27-29, 2001 (170 participants)
- "Addictions - prevention and systems of treatment"
Wisla, November 23-25, 2001 (120 participants)
- "The violence in a family - the perpetrators"
Sródborów, April 26-28, 2002 (140 participants)
- "The Foster Family Care"
Sulejów, November 29 - December 1, 2002 (89 participants)
- "Ethical dilemmas in giving aid"
Sródborów, April 25-27, 2003 (151 participants)